Darent Action Plan

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Displaying 51 - 74 of 74

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Catchment wide actions

Displaying 31 - 40 of 71
To have an appropriate self-sustaining fish population
Address fish passage so fish can access appropriate habitats
Action Sub catchment Partners Status
Deliver removal of Tanners Weir to address fish passage issues Darent Proposed View
To improve water quality
Reduce agricultural diffuse pollution from entering the river
Action Sub catchment Partners Status
Cattle poaching issue Darent Proposed View
Reduce water pollution
Action Sub catchment Partners Status
Address M25 road run-off with silt trap / wetland treatment train Darent Proposed View
The river should support a mosaic of habitats with high biodiversity value
Promote strategies to deal with invasive species
Action Sub catchment Partners Status
Chemical treatment of Japanese knotweed at Ruxley Gravel Pit Cray and Shuttle Active View
Chemical treatment of Japanese knotweed and manual pulling of Himalayan balsam at Riverside Gardens. Cray and Shuttle Active View
Improve condition and biodiversity of riparian areas
Action Sub catchment Partners Status
Deliver tree work upstream of Farningham to increase light to the channel Darent Completed View
Protect and enhance the habitats of the river corridor & floodplain
Action Sub catchment Partners Status
Deliver habitat enhancements at Foots Cray Meadows Cray and Shuttle Completed View
To have communities that enjoy, engage with and protect the river
Increasing public knowledge of the rivers heritage and wildlife etc. through community engagement activities and events
Action Sub catchment Partners Status
Engage stakeholders with the catchment based approach Cray and Shuttle Completed View
Action Sub catchment Partners Status
Raise awareness of flooding and diffuse pollution Cray and Shuttle Completed View
To develop sustainable water management within the catchment
Develop an Ecosystems services model for improved aquifer recharge
Action Sub catchment Partners Status
Investigate options for improved aquifer recharge Darent Proposed View
